If the wedding bells have rung for you, then it’s time to plan the gala event of your life. However, despite appointing a super talented wedding planner, you have to focus on buying some wedding jewelry among which the ring holds a special space. Many individuals shop from the collection of the jeweler they visit, while some prefer creating a unique wedding ring for their future spouse. 

If you belong to the second category of ring buyers then this article is for you. After doing extensive research, we have five pointers to share with you. You might be happy to know how you can make your wedding ring one-of-a-kind.

Here, we’re about to put some light on five different ways to purchase a unique wedding ring

Buy estate jewelry from live auctions 

If money is not a constraint, you have your century-old jewelry. They’re mostly called estate jewelry that the kings, queens, lords, or maharajas used to wear. From auctions, antic collectors purchase extraordinary and eternal collections. If you want to gift the love of your life a timeless ring then attend online auctions to buy the most exclusive ring and other pieces of ornaments for them or your collections.

Customize your wedding ring

Next, you can consider designing your wedding ring. But for that, make sure that you have a good bond with a client-friendly jeweler who is also creative. Show your design to the expert and let them share their suggestions so that in a team effort you can create a bespoke wedding ring for your future spouse. Even though you have a ring design with diamond and other gemstones in it, the jeweler can suggest the exact metal or certain strength that can be the perfect base for the ring.

Visit a jewelry designer

Your quest for a unique wedding ring can make you meet a jewelry designer. They’re famous for making single-piece jewelry mostly for maintaining the uniqueness of their creations. After listening to your expectations, the expert might show you a few of their collections or can design a new design for you. You can have boutique platinum wedding rings for your gala occasion, exclusively designed by a top jewelry designer.

Use remains of old jewelry to add more emotional value to the ring

You can make the wedding ring one-of-a-kind by asking the jeweler to use the remains of any old jewelry of your ancestors. It can be the old rubies or diamonds that you can add to the ring to add an emotional attachment to the incredible new wedding ring.

Jewelers keep some exclusive collections for special customers

You might know that all jewelers keep a special collection that they only show to their loyal customers. If you have any such reliable jewelers then they might amaze you by showing their secret collections of wedding rings. If you like it, grab it for your wedding.

These are the five incredible ways to purchase a unique wedding ring for the most amazing occasion of your life!